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Your complete guide to breast augmentation in Utah

Your complete guide to breast augmentation in Utah

Are you considering getting a breast lift but feeling overwhelmed by the process?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through everything from preparing for your plastic surgery procedure beforehand, all the way up to what kind of aftercare needs may arise following your procedure.

Whether you’re considering breast augmentation surgery as part of reconstructive work or purely aesthetic enhancement, there are many benefits associated with these procedures that can bring you even closer to achieving your desired look!

Overview of breast augmentation surgery

What exactly is breast augmentation, and why do so many women get one?


Breast augmentation surgery is a popular choice for women who are looking to enhance the size, shape, and projection of their breasts.

During breast augmentation surgery, an implant is placed within the breast tissue or beneath the chest muscle. The implant can either be filled with silicone gel or saline solution, depending on the patient’s preference and body type.

Through this procedure, women can achieve a more proportionate figure as well as an increase in confidence and self-esteem.


The benefits of breast augmentation surgery are numerous:

  • Fuller look for smaller breasts
  • Symmetry between uneven breasts
  • Enhanced contours with better balance between upper and lower chest
  • Can sometimes improve posture
  • Increase bust
  • Skyrocket confidence


Overall, modern breast augmentation surgery has become increasingly popular with many women since its introduction in 1962. It’s been known as a safe surgical procedure with minimal scarring that gives natural-looking results and long-term patient happiness.

Though there will always be risks involved in any kind of major surgery, those associated with breast augmentation have been minimized over time due to advanced surgical techniques and technology that make the process safer than ever before.

For those seeking a more enhanced physical appearance through increased size and shape of their breasts, breast augmentation remains the best option.

That’s because it can provide lasting changes without having to resort to scams like creams or drastic dieting techniques.

Preparing for your breast augmentation procedure

Preparing for a breast augmentation procedure is an important step for any patient. It involves:

  • Choosing a reputable surgeon
  • Discussing the procedure with your doctor
  • Getting pre-op tests done
  • Taking the necessary steps to prepare for surgery

Choose a qualified surgeon

Choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon is essential in achieving successful results with breast augmentation.

Ask friends or family members who have had similar procedures in the past for referrals, research online reviews of surgeons in your area, and visit their offices before making a decision.

Speak with a doctor

When talking with your doctor about a breast augmentation procedure, it is important to understand how it will change your body and what results you can expect.

You should also be aware of any potential risks such as infection or other complications that may arise from the surgery itself.

Additionally, make sure to ask about any follow-up care or support that may be necessary after the surgery.

Basic health checks

Once you’ve selected a surgeon, you will need to schedule pre-op tests including blood work and mammograms. Depending on your age or risk factors for various diseases, additional tests may also need to be done prior to the procedure.

Preparing for your big day

Finally, it’s important to take specific steps leading up to the date of surgery such as:

  • Avoiding certain medications
  • Stopping smoking (if applicable)
  • Eating healthy foods
  • Drinking plenty of water/fluids
  • Getting lots of rest in order to ensure that you are physically well-prepared for surgery.

Additionally, arrange help with childcare or other commitments during this time if needed so that you can focus solely on recovery following the procedure.

What to expect during your breast augmentation procedure

During your breast augmentation procedure, you can expect to be in the operating room for about one to two hours. You may be given general anesthesia which will put you into a sleepy state so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

Your surgeon will make an incision in either your armpit, around the nipple, or under your breast depending on the type of implant being used.

They will then insert the implant either behind the pectoral muscle or beneath the breast tissue. The size and shape of your chosen implant will be determined by your:

  • Body size
  • Desired new breast size
  • Skin quality
  • Existing volume of breast tissue
  • Other factors discussed before surgery with your doctor

The implant may be placed over or under the muscle. It can either be partially or completely covered by the muscle for additional support.

Once the implant has been inserted, your surgeon will close up the incision with sutures and tape it up until it heals completely.

With Dr. Jones, breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure — so you can return home the same day as your surgery.

Recovery and aftercare following your breast augmentation surgery

Immediately after the procedure, you will be advised to avoid any strenuous activity. You may experience some pain and discomfort for the first few days — this is normal, so take your prescribed pain medication as needed.

It is also important to wear your compression garment as advised by your surgeon. You will likely experience swelling for up to 6 weeks. Also, you must avoid lifting anything heavier than 10 lbs during this time.

Additionally, avoid certain activities like swimming or lifting weights.

Finally, attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress. This ensures that no complications arise during your  recovery period.

With adequate rest and adherence to these guidelines, you can ensure a safe recovery from breast augmentation surgery.

Choose a top Utah plastic surgeon for your breast augmentation

At Cascade Cosmetic Surgery Center, Dr. Jones and his team will work with you to help you achieve the beautiful, natural-looking results that you desire. And why choose Dr. Jones?

Top education and experience

Dr. Jones has more than two decades of surgery experience, and has helped hundreds of women achieve amazing results.

Incredible results

Dr. Jones spends extensive time consulting with patients, making you a part of your journey. That understanding translates to better, more aesthetic results.

Amazingly easy

Unlike most surgeons, Dr. Jones performs his procedures at our own Cascade Cosmetic Surgery Center. That means you won’t have to travel all over the state to meet your surgeon at multiple locations.

Bring your dream body to life

Ready to achieve the bust you’ve always desired? Contact us today to schedule your consultation. All it takes is one call!

Utah breast augmentation frequently asked questions

Still have questions about your breast augmentation? Find the answer here!

1. What are breast augmentations?

Breast augmentations are surgical procedures in which implants are used to increase the size and/or shape of a woman’s breasts.

2. What is the difference between saline and silicone implants?

Saline implants are made of a silicone outer shell filled with sterile saline solution. Silicone implants are made of a silicone outer shell filled with a cohesive gel.

Both types of implants come in different shapes and sizes to suit individual needs.

The benefit of silicone implants is that they feel more natural, but saline implants may be less expensive and have fewer risks associated with them.

However, both types of implants are considered safe.

3. What are the benefits of breast augmentation surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery can provide many benefits for patients, including increased confidence in their body and enhanced curves. It can also help correct any asymmetry or sagging that may occur due to age or pregnancy.

4. What are the risks of breast augmentation surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with breast augmentation surgery. These include the risk of infection, bleeding and scarring. It is important to speak to your surgeon about all potential risks before undergoing the procedure.

5. How long does breast augmentation surgery take?

The length of the procedure varies based on the type of implant and your desired results. Generally, the surgery will take between 1-3 hours.

6. How long does it take to recover from breast augmentation surgery?

The recovery time for breast augmentation surgery will vary from person to person, but generally, it takes around a week to resume work, and 4-6 weeks to recover fully.

During this time, you will be instructed on how to care for your incisions and you may experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort.

It is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure a safe and healthy recovery. As with any procedure, it can take months to see your full results.

7. Is a breast augmentation the same thing as a breast lift?

No, a breast augmentation is not the same as a breast lift. Breast augmentation uses implants to increase the size and/or shape of a woman’s breasts, while a breast lift repositions the existing breast tissue to create a more youthful and lifted appearance.

8. How much does breast augmentation surgery cost?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on the type of implant being used and the amount of work being done. Generally, the procedure can cost anywhere from $2,000 to $10,000.

9. How do I choose a plastic surgeon for my breast augmentation surgery?

When selecting a plastic surgeon for your breast augmentation surgery, it is important to do your research and find a board-certified surgeon with experience in the procedure. You should also make sure to ask questions about their qualifications, education, and safety record.

10. How do I know if I am a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery?

A good candidate for breast augmentation surgery is typically in good overall health and has realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure. During your consultation, your surgeon will assess your candidacy and discuss which type of implant would be best suited for you.

11. Will I have scars after my breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, there will be some scarring after your breast augmentation surgery. However, these scars are usually very small and hidden in the natural creases of the breasts. Generally, these scars will fade over time.

12. How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not designed to last a lifetime and will eventually need to be replaced. Generally, silicone implants will last between 10-15 years, while saline implants can last up to 20 years. It is important to speak to your surgeon about the longevity of the type of implant you choose.

13. Is breast augmentation the same thing as breast implants?

No, breast augmentation is different from breast implants. A breast augmentation procedure involves placing implants in the breasts to increase their size and/or shape. Breast implants themselves are the devices used in the surgery.

14. What are the chances of capsular contracture after breast augmentation surgery?

Capsular contracture is a rare complication that can occur after breast augmentation surgery. Generally, the risk of developing this condition is very low and can be minimized by using implants with a textured surface.

15. Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, most women can breastfeed after having breast augmentation surgery. However, it is important to speak to your surgeon about the type of implant being used as some types may affect your ability to produce milk.

16. What are the chances of my implants rupturing?

The chance of your implants rupturing is very low. Generally, with modern silicone implants, this risk is around 1-2%. However, if you experience any pain or unusual changes in your breasts then it is important to contact your surgeon right away.

17. Will my breast augmentation results look natural?

Yes, when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon the results of your breast augmentation should look natural.

Your surgeon will discuss with you what type of implant would be best suited to your body and desired outcome to ensure the most natural-looking result possible.

18. Can I get pregnant after getting breast implants?

Yes, you can get pregnant after getting breast implants. However, it is important to speak to your plastic surgeon about the type of implant being used.

19. Can I have a second breast augmentation surgery?

Yes, you can have a second breast augmentation surgery if desired. However, it is important to discuss this with your plastic surgeon beforehand. There may be additional risks and complications associated with having multiple procedures.

20. What are some things I should avoid after breast augmentation surgery?

It is important to avoid strenuous activities and intense exercise for the first few weeks after your breast augmentation surgery. Additionally, you should also avoid soaking in a hot tub or swimming pool until cleared by your surgeon. It is also important to wear supportive bras to help protect your implants during recovery.

21. How long does it take for breast augmentation results to settle?

It usually takes several weeks to several months for the results of breast augmentation surgery to settle. During this time, you may notice some swelling and asymmetry as your body adjusts to the new implants.

Your plastic surgeon will be able to provide an approximate timeline for when you can expect your final results.

22. Are breast augmentations painful?

Most women report mild to moderate discomfort during the recovery process following breast augmentation surgery. Your plastic surgeon may prescribe pain medication and other forms of post-operative care to help manage your symptoms.

23. Is breast augmentation inpatient or outpatient?

While breast augmentation is sometimes an inpatient procedure, Dr. Jones’ procedure is outpatient — meaning you can sleep at home instead of in a hospital.

24. Does insurance cover breast augmentation?

No, breast augmentations are not typically covered by insurance as they are a cosmetic procedure.

However, you may be able to obtain financing options for your procedure. It is important to speak with your plastic surgeon about any payment plans or financing options that may be available.

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